Customization with INI File

You can customize your installation with the development.ini and agent_development.ini files or the production.ini file whether you are under development or in production.

Here are parameters you can tune.

[app:PubliForge] Section

Instance defintion

uid = pfinstance
encryption = secretkey

This option is required and the uid must be unique.

encryption is used to encrypt Beaker session cookie, to hash user password or to encrypt VCS password.


languages = fr, es, en
#pyramid.default_locale_name = en
#translation_dirs = custom:Locale

Optional options are:

  • languages: a comma separated list of a ISO 639 available languages. Each language must be one of the following values: en, fr or es. Default: en.
  • pyramid.default_locale_name: this value supplies the default locale name. It must be one of the language list. Default: en.
  • translation_dirs: a comma separated list of translation directory paths. Each item can be an absolute directory path (e.g. /home/pfinstance/PubliForge/Locale) or an asset specification (e.g. custom:Locale).

Debug Mode

pyramid.reload_templates = false
pyramid.debug_authorization = false
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.debug_templates = false

See Pyramid documentation for more information.

Front: Skin

#skin.title = PubliForge – PFInstance = Static2
#skin.static.path = /home/pfinstance/PubliForge/Static
#skin.favicon = /Static2/favicon.ico
#skin.css.base =
#skin.css.login =
#skin.css.custom = /Static2/Css/pfinstance.css
#skin.template.base = custom:Templates/
#skin.template.login = custom:Templates/

All skin.* options are optional.

  • skin.title: main title of HTML pages
  • a string representing an application-relative local URL prefix. It may alternately be a full URL. If you use Static, it overrides the standard static path.
  • skin.static.path: If you define, you have to define skin.static.path. It is the path on disk where the static files reside. This can be absolute paths (e.g. /home/pfinstance/PubliForge/Static) or asset specifications (e.g. custom:Static).
  • skin.favicon: application-relative local URL to favicon.ico, for instance, /Static2/favicon.ico.
  • skin.css.base: application-relative local URL to base.css. If defined, it overrides standard base CSS.
  • skin.css.login: application-relative local URL to login.css. If defined, it overrides standard login page CSS.
  • skin.css.custom: application-relative local URL to an additional CSS, for instance /Static2/Css/pfinstance.css.
  • skin.template.base: path or asset to a Chameleon template to override the standard one.
  • skin.template.login: path or asset to a Chameleon template to override the standard one.

Front: Temporary Directory

temporary_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Tmp

Front: Beaker cache

#cache.type = file
#cache.data_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Beaker/Cache/Data
#cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Beaker/Cache/Lock

All cache.* options are optional. By default, a memory cache is used.

Front: Beaker Session

#session.type = file
#session.data_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Beaker/Sessions/Data
#session.lock_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Beaker/Sessions/Lock
session.key = PF_SESSION

Only session.key is required. By default, memory is used for sessions.

Front: SqlAlchemy

As PubliForge use SqlAlchemy, you can choose the SQL databse you prefer. If you want to use PostgreSQL (the recommended database), make the following configuration:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://publiforge:sesame@localhost/PubliForge
#sqlalchemy.pool_size = 5
#sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 10
#sqlalchemy.pool_timeout = 30

You can adjust SqlAlchemy parameters:

  • sqlalchemy.pool_size: The size of the pool to be maintained, defaults to 5. This is the largest number of connections that will be kept persistently in the pool.
  • sqlalchemy.max_overflow: The maximum overflow size of the pool. When the number of checked-out connections reaches the size set in pool_size, additional connections will be returned up to this limit. Defaults to 10.
  • sqlalchemy.pool_timeout: The number of seconds to wait before giving up on returning a connection. Defaults to 30 (30 seconds).
  • sqlalchemy.pool_recycle: If set to non -1, number of seconds between connection recycling, which means upon checkout, if this timeout is surpassed the connection will be closed and replaced with a newly opened connection. Defaults to -1.

If you prefer MySQL, here is the configuration:

sqlalchemy.url = mysql://publiforge:sesame@localhost/PubliForge?charset=utf8
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600
#sqlalchemy.pool_size = 5
#sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 10
#sqlalchemy.pool_timeout = 30

Front: Authentification

auth.cookie = PF_AUTH
auth.remember = 5184000

Optional options are:

  • auth.cookie: the name of the cookie for remember me login option. The default value is PF_AUTH.
  • auth.remember: the time in seconds to for remember me login option. The default value is 5184000 i.e. 2 months.

Front: Page Refresh

#refresh.short = 2
#refresh.long = 5
  • refresh.short is period to refresh page when a simple action is in progress. Default = 2 (2 seconds).
  • refresh.long is period to refresh page when a complex action is in progress. Default = 5 (5 seconds).

Front: Storages

storage.root = %(here)s/Storages
storage.index = %(here)s/StoragesIndex
storage.vcs = none, local, hg, hgsvn
#storage.report_ttl = 120
#storage.cache = 3600

Required options for storages are:

  • storage.root: full path to root directory for storages.
  • storage.vcs: comma separated IDs of available VCS (at least one). IDs are selected from the following: none (no version control system), local (local Mercurial), hg (Mercurial), hgsvn (Subversion via Mercurial), svn (Subversion).

Other available options are:

  • storage.index: full path to directory for storage indexes. It activates search functionality.
  • storage.report_ttl: Time to Live in seconds of a report of an action on a storage. Default is 120 (2 minutes).
  • storage.cache: cache expire time and Time to Live in seconds of Storage Control System session. Default is 3600 (1 hour).

Front: Opener

File openers are responsible for the display, the rendering and the edition of specific types of file. PubliForge supplies basic openers for plain text files, Web images, INI files and Publidoc/Publiquiz XML files.

#opener.develop = false
opener.roots = %(here)s/Openers
opener.list = Publi*, Ini*
opener.cache =  %(here)s/Cache/Openers
  • opener.develop: if true, no optimization occurs during the creation of the cache directory. It is destroyed and created at each use. Default = false.
  • opener.roots: a comma separated list of opener directories. Each item can be an absolute directory path (e.g. %(here)s/Openers) or an asset specification (e.g. custom:Openers). The default is an empty list.
  • opener.list: a comma separated list of IDs or patterns to add to available opener list. Openers are used in the order of the list.
  • opener.cache: a full path to the cache directory for openers.

Front: Available Agents

agent.refresh = 0
agent.synchronize = 1
agent.0.weight = 1
agent.0.password = sesame
agent.1.url =
agent.1.weight = 2
agent.1.password = sesame

If you configure a Web site you need at least one active agent.

Required option for an agent is:

  • agent.<idx>.weight: the higher this number is, the greater the agent accepts processings. If 0, its rejects all requests.

Other available options are:

  • agent.refresh: the period to refresh information about agent. If 0 (default value), information is only read at initialization time.
  • agent.synchronize: the number of concurrent synchronizations between the front and the agent. The default is 1.
  • agent.<idx>.url: URL of the agent. If empty, agent and front are the sames.
  • agent.<idx>.password: the password to authenticate with the agent. It is optional but recommended.

Front: Processors for Background Job

A background job is a processing which is periodically run by a scheduler. To be active, the main PubliForge scheduler must be configurated. See Activating Job Scheduler.

job.processor.roots = %(here)s/Processors
job.processor.list = CleanStorage, Publidoc2*
  • job.processor.roots: a comma separated list of processor directories. Each item can be an absolute directory path (e.g. %(here)s/JobProcessors) or an asset specification (e.g. custom:JobProcessors). The default is an empty list.
  • job.processor.list: a comma separated list of IDs or patterns to add to available job processor list.

Agent: Buildspaces

buildspace.root = %(here)s/Buildspaces
#buildspace.ttl = 2678400

If your application is only an agent, buildspace.root is required. It is the place where to copy remote storage data. The default value of its Time To Live (buildspace.ttl) is 2678400 (1 month).

Agent: Processors

processor.roots = %(here)s/Processors
processor.list = Publi*, Parallel, CharCount, DTBookValid
  • processor.roots: a comma separated list of processor directories. Each item can be an absolute directory path (e.g. %(here)s/Processors) or an asset specification (e.g. custom:Processors). The default is an empty list.
  • processor.list: a comma separated list of IDs or patterns to add to available processor list. There is not default value.

Agent: Builds

#build.reset = false
#build.develop = false
build.root = %(here)s/Builds
#build.ttl = 1800
#build.result_ttl = 604800
#build.concurrent = 3

The required option is build.root, a path to a sand box for builds.

Other available options are:

  • build.reset: if true, the sand box for builds is deleted at each starting up of the server. Default = false.
  • build.develop: if true, no optimization occurs during the creation of the Processor directory. It is destroyed and created at each build. Default = false.
  • build.ttl: Time To Live for a build. Default = 1800 (30 minutes).
  • build.result_ttl: Time To Live for build result. Default = 604800 (1 week).
  • build.concurrent: Number of concurrent builds. Default = 3.

Agent: Authorized Fronts

#front.concurrent = 1
front.0.uid = pfinstance
front.0.password = sesame
front.1.uid = pfdemo
front.1.password = sesame
front.concurrent the number of concurrent synchronizations between the
agent and the front. The default is 1.

At least, one authorized front is required.

front.<idx>.password is the password to authenticate the caller. It is optional but recommended.

[Populate] Section

In the Populate section, you can define the main administrator, populate your database with other users, storages and projects and retreive storage content from repositories. It is used by pfpopulate to initialize your instance.


In development, it’s better to destroy the tables at each start up. To do so, add this option:

drop_tables = true

However, it is a bad idea in production.


# ------ Administrator
admin.login = admin
admin.password = adminpwd = Administrator =

The required options are admin.login, admin.password, and

Other available options are:

  • admin.language: a ISO 639 value ; the default value if the value of pyramid.default_locale_name option of [app:PubliForge] section
  • admin.page_size: number of lines in a list page, default value is 20
  • admin.home: available values are site (default), projects and storages
  • admin.ips: comma separated IP to restrict access (optional)

XML Configuration Files

# ------ Users
file.a01 = %(here)s/Configuration/Users/users.pfusr.xml
file.a02 = %(here)s/Configuration/Users/tests.pfusr.xml
file.a03 = %(here)s/Configuration/Users/guests.pfusr.xml

# ------ Groups
file.b11 = %(here)s/Configuration/Groups/groups_fr.pfgrp.xml
file.b12 = %(here)s/Configuration/Groups/sa_gaze.pfgrp.xml

# ------ Storages
file.c01 = %(here)s/Configuration/Storages/none.pfstg.xml
file.c02 = %(here)s/Configuration/Storages/local.pfstg.xml
file.c03 = %(here)s/Configuration/Storages/hg.pfstg.xml
file.c04 = %(here)s/Configuration/Storages/svn.pfstg.xml

# ------ Indexers
file.d01 = %(here)s/Configuration/Indexers/publidoc.pfidx.xml

# ------ Projects
file.e01 = %(here)s/Configuration/Projects/publidoc.pfprj.xml
file.e02 = %(here)s/Configuration/Projects/publiquiz.pfprj.xml

To known more about XML configuration files, read pfpopulate.