# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class to manage a filter to select items among a collection."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from webhelpers2.html import literal
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from .i18n import _
OPERATORS = OrderedDict((('AND', _('AND')), ('OR', _('OR'))))
COMPARISONS = OrderedDict((
('=', '='), ('!=', u'≠'), ('>', '>'), ('>=', _(u'≥')), ('<', '<'),
('<=', _(u'≤'))))
# =============================================================================
[docs]class Filter(object):
"""A class to manage filters.
:type request: pyramid.request.Request
:param request:
Current request.
:param str filter_id:
Filter ID.
:param list inputs:
A list of inputs like
``((key, label, is_static, available_values),...)``.
``available_values`` is ``None`` for an input with text values,
``True`` for those with boolean values and a list of value/label for
closed list of values.
:param list initials: (optional)
Initial conditions.
:param str remove: (optional)
Number of the condition to remove from the previous filter.
:type comparisons: :class:`OrderedDict`
:param comparisons: (optional)
Customize list of comparaisons.
A filter is a list of AND-conditions.
Each AND-condition is a list of OR-conditions.
An OR-condition is a tuple such as ``(key, comparison, value)``.
The ``comparison`` is one of the items of ``comparisons`` and can be
``'='``, ``'!='``, ``'>'``, ``'>='``, ``'<'`` or ``'<='``.
The ``value`` can be a boolean, a string or a
:class:`~pyramid.i18n.TranslationString` instance.
For instance, the filter:
``(id=2 OR id>5) AND active AND group!='Foo'`` is stored as:
``[[('id', '=', 2), ('id', '>', 5)], [('active', '=', True)],
[('group', '!=', 'Foo')]]``
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(
self, request, filter_id, inputs, initials=None, remove=None,
"""Constructor method."""
# pylint: disable = too-many-arguments
self.filter_id = filter_id
self._request = request
self._inputs = OrderedDict(
[(k[0], (k[1], k[2], k[3])) for k in inputs])
self._comparisons = comparisons
# Retrieve last filter
if 'filters' not in request.session:
request.session['filters'] = {}
self._conditions = request.session['filters'].get(filter_id) or []
# Append initial conditions
if filter_id not in request.session['filters'] \
and initials is not None:
for condition in initials:
# Remove obsolete conditions
if remove is not None:
# Append new conditions
if 'filter' in request.POST:
for key in self._inputs:
if self._inputs[key][1] and \
key, request.POST.get(
'filter_comparison_{0}'.format(key), '='),
'filter_operator_{0}'.format(key), 'AND'))
request.POST.get('filter_comparison', '='),
request.POST.get('filter_operator', 'AND'))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_empty(self):
"""Return ``True`` if a filter is empty."""
return not bool(self._conditions)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clear filter."""
self._conditions = []
self._request.session['filters'][self.filter_id] = []
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def append_condition(self, key, comparison, value, operator='AND'):
"""Append an AND-condition to the filter.
:param str key:
The key to use.
:param str comparison: (``'='``, ``'!='``, ``'>'``, ``'<'``,...)
How to compare.
:type value: :class:`str`, :class:`bool` or
:param value:
The value of the filter. It is optional for boolean filter and its
default value is ``True``.
:param str operator: ('AND' or 'OR', default='AND')
The operator to use to complete the filter.
if not key or not value or key not in self._inputs or \
comparison not in self._comparisons or operator not in OPERATORS:
condition = (
key, comparison,
(self._inputs[key][2] is True and True) or value)
if self._conditions and operator == 'OR':
self._request.session['filters'][self.filter_id] = self._conditions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def remove_condition(self, index):
"""Remove one AND-condition of the filter.
:param str index:
Index of the AND-condition to remove.
if index is None or not index.isdigit():
index = int(index)
if index < 0 or index >= len(self._conditions):
del self._conditions[index]
self._request.session['filters'][self.filter_id] = self._conditions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def html_conditions(self):
"""An HTML representation of the current conditions.
:rtype: :class:`webhelpers2.html.literal`
if not self._conditions:
return ''
html = u''
for and_num, and_condition in enumerate(self._conditions):
if and_num:
html += u' <strong>{0}</strong> '.format(
html += u'<span class="wbFilterCondition">'\
u'<input type="submit" value="X" name="crm!{0}.x"/>'.format(
for or_num, or_condition in enumerate(and_condition):
if or_num:
html += u' <strong>{0}</strong> '.format(
condition = self._inputs[or_condition[0]]
html += u'<span>{0}{1}'.format(
condition[2] is True and or_condition[1] == '!=' and
self._request.localizer.translate(_('EXCEPT')) + ' ' or '',
if isinstance(condition[2], (list, tuple)):
html += u' {0} {1}'.format(
or_condition[2], or_condition[2])))
elif condition[2] is not True:
html += u' {0} {1}'.format(
self._comparisons[or_condition[1]], or_condition[2])
html += '</span>'
html += '</span> '
return literal(html)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def sql(self, dbquery, table_name):
"""Complete a SqlAlchemy query with of the current filter.
:param sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query dbquery:
SqlAlchemy query to complete.
:param str table_name:
Name of the default SQL table.
:rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
if not self._conditions:
return dbquery
like = 'ILIKE' if dbquery.session.bind.dialect.name == 'postgresql' \
else 'LIKE'
for and_num, and_condition in enumerate(self._conditions):
clause = u'('
params = {}
for or_num, or_condition in enumerate(and_condition):
if or_num:
clause += u' OR '
available_values = self._inputs[or_condition[0]][2]
if or_condition[1] == '=' and available_values is None:
comparison = like
elif or_condition[1] == '!=' and available_values is None:
comparison = 'NOT {0}'.format(like)
comparison = or_condition[1]
value = True if available_values is True else or_condition[2]
clause += u'{0}.{1} {2} :p{3}{4:02d}'.format(
table_name, or_condition[0], comparison, and_num, or_num)
params['p{0}{1:02d}'.format(and_num, or_num)] = \
u'%{0}%'.format(value) if like in comparison else value
clause += u')'
dbquery = dbquery.filter(text(clause).bindparams(**params))
return dbquery
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def whoosh(self):
"""Return the current filter in Whoosh query language.
:rtype: tuple
a tuble search as ``(fieldnames, query)``.
fieldnames = set()
clause = u''
for and_num, and_condition in enumerate(self._conditions):
if and_num:
clause += u' AND '
clause += u'('
for or_num, or_condition in enumerate(and_condition):
if or_num:
clause += u' OR '
comparison = or_condition[1]
if or_condition[2] is True:
clause += u'{0}{1}:TRUE'.format(
comparison == '!=' and 'NOT ' or '', or_condition[0])
elif comparison == '=':
clause += u'{0}:({1})'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
elif comparison == '!=':
clause += u'NOT {0}:({1})'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
elif comparison == '>':
clause += u'{0}:{{{1} TO}}'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
elif comparison == '>=':
clause += u'{0}:[{1} TO]'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
elif comparison == '<':
clause += u'{0}:{{TO {1}}}'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
elif comparison == '<=':
clause += u'{0}:[TO {1}]'.format(
or_condition[0], or_condition[2])
clause += u')'
return tuple(fieldnames), clause
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _html_select_comparison(self, form, key, name=None):
"""HTML form select to choose the comparison operator of a condition.
:type form: :class:`.lib.form.Form`
:param form:
Current form.
:param str key:
Current condition key.
:param str name: (optional)
Name of the form select.
:rtype: :class:`webhelpers2.html.literal`
if name is None:
name = 'filter_comparison_{0}'.format(key)
if key and self._inputs[key][2] is not None:
return literal('<span class="wbFilterComparison">') + \
form.select(name, None, (('=', '='), ('!=', u'≠'))) + \
return literal('<span class="wbFilterComparison">') + \
form.select(name, None, self._comparisons.items()) + \
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _html_select_value(self, form, key, name=None):
"""HTML form select to choose the value of a condition.
:type form: :class:`.lib.form.Form`
:param form:
Current form.
:param str key:
Current condition key.
:param str name: (optional)
Name of the form select.
:rtype: :class:`webhelpers2.html.literal`
if name is None:
name = 'filter_value_{0}'.format(key)
if key and self._inputs[key][2] is True:
return literal('<span class="wbFilterValue">') + \
form.custom_checkbox(name) + literal('</span>')
if key and self._inputs[key][2] is not None:
return literal('<span class="wbFilterValue">') + \
form.select(name, None, self._inputs[key][2]) + \
return literal('<span class="wbFilterValue">') + \
form.text(name, placeholder=self._request.localizer.translate(
_('type here...'))) + literal('</span>')