Source code for publiforge.lib.form

"""Form validation and rendering library."""

from re import sub

import colander
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML, literal

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotAcceptable

from .i18n import _

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[docs]class SameAs(object): # pylint: disable = too-few-public-methods """This class implements a ``colander`` validator to check if to fields are identical.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, request, reference): """Constructor method.""" self.request = request self.reference = reference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __call__(self, node, value): """This method raises a :class:`colander.Invalid` instance as an exception value is not same as ``self.reference``. :type node: colander.SchemaNode :type value: cstruct """ if self.request.POST.get(self.reference) != value: raise colander.Invalid(node, _('The two fields are not identical'))
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[docs]def button(url, label='', src=None, title=None, class_='button'): """Output a link on a label and an image with a button aspect. :param str url: Target URL. :param str label: (optional) Label for roll over and ``alt``. :param str src: (optional) Image path. :param str title: (optional) Label for roll over. :param str class_: (default='button') The class attribute. :rtype: str HTML tag. """ if class_ == 'button' and not label and src: class_ = None return literal(u'<a href="{0}"{1}{2}>{3}{4}</a> '.format( literal.escape(url), title and ' title="%s"' % title or '', class_ and ' class="%s"' % class_ or '', src and '<img src="%s" alt="%s"/>' % (src, label or title) or '', label))
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[docs]def grid_item(name, label, content, required=False, hint=None, error=None, class_=None, tag='div', clear=False): """Display an item with label, hint and error message. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param str content: HTML content. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str error: (optional) Error message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param str tag: (default='div') Tag which contains content, hint and error message. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :rtype: str This ouputs a structure such as: .. code-block:: html <div class="[class_]"> <label for="[name]"><em>[label]<strong>*</strong></em></label> <tag> [content] <em>[hint]</em> <strong class="error">[form.error(name)]</strong> </tag> <div class="clear"></div> </div> If ``class_`` is an empty string, ``'formItem'`` is used. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments if not content: return '' if class_ == '': class_ = 'formItem' class_ = class_ or '' if error: class_ += ' error' return literal( u'<div{class_}><label{name}><em>{label}{required}</em></label>' u'<{tag}>{content}{hint}{error}</{tag}>{clear}</div>'.format( class_=class_ and ' class="%s"' % class_ or '', name=name and ' for="%s"' % name or '', label=label or '', required=HTML.strong('*') if required else '', tag=tag, content=content, hint=HTML.em(' %s' % hint) if hint else '', error=HTML.strong(' %s' % error) if error else '', clear=clear and '<div class="clear"></div>' or ''))
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[docs]class Form(object): """Form validation class.""" # pylint: disable = too-many-public-methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, request, schema=None, defaults=None, secure=True, obj=None, force_defaults=False): """Constructor method.""" # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments self.values = defaults \ if defaults and (not request.POST or force_defaults) else {} self._request = request self._schema = schema self._secure = secure self._errors = {} self._special = [[], None] self._validated = False if obj is not None and schema is not None and not request.POST: for field in [ for k in schema]: if hasattr(obj, field): self.values[field] = getattr(obj, field) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate(self, obj=None): """Check if the form is validated. :param object obj: (optional) Object to fill. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if validated. """ # Something to do? if not self._request.POST: return False if self._validated: return not self._errors # Cross-site request forgery protection if self._secure and self._request.POST.get('_csrf') \ != self._request.session.get_csrf_token(): raise HTTPNotAcceptable() # Schema validation params = dict(self._request.POST.items()) if self._schema: try: self.values = self._schema.deserialize(params) except colander.Invalid as err: self._errors = {} for child in err.children: self._errors[] = child.messages() else: self.values.update(params) # Fill object if obj is not None and not self._errors: for field in self.values: if hasattr(obj, field): setattr(obj, field, self.values[field]) self._validated = True return len(self._errors) == 0
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[docs] def has_error(self, name=None): """Return ``True`` if field ``name`` has an error. :param str name: (optional) Input ID. :rtype: bool """ return bool(name is None and self._errors) or name in self._errors
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[docs] def set_error(self, name, message): """Set an error message for field ``name``. :param str name: Input ID. :param str message: Error message. """ if name in self._errors: self._errors[name].append(message) else: self._errors[name] = [message]
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[docs] def error(self, name): """Return error message for field ``name``. :param str name: Input ID. :rtype: str :return: Translated error message. """ if name not in self._errors: return '' return ' ; '.join([self._request.localizer.translate(error) for error in self._errors[name]])
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[docs] def static(self, name): """The field ``name`` will not be updated by the form. :param str name: Name of field to set static. """ if name not in self._special[0]: self._special[0].append(name)
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[docs] def forget(self, prefix): """Fields beginning by ``prefix`` are forgotten when the page is refreshed. :param str prefix: Prefix to select fields. """ self._special[1] = prefix
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[docs] @classmethod def make_safe_id(cls, name): """Make a string safe for including in an id attribute :param str name: String to transform. :rtype: str """ return sub(r'(?!-)\W', '', sub(r'\s', '_', name)).lower()
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[docs] def begin(self, url=None, multipart=False, **attrs): """Ouput the ``<form>`` tag. :param str url: (optional) URL to submit form, by default, the current URL. :param bool multipart: (default=False) If set to ``True``, the enctype is set to ``multipart/form-data``. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ html = tags.form( url or self._request.path_qs, 'post', multipart, **attrs) if self._secure: token = self._request.session.get_csrf_token() \ or self._request.session.new_csrf_token() html += HTML.div(self.hidden('_csrf', token), class_='hidden') return html
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[docs] @classmethod def end(cls): """Ouput the ``</form>`` tag.""" return tags.end_form()
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[docs] @classmethod def submit(cls, name, label=None, class_='button', **attrs): """Output a submit button with the label as the caption. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: (optional) Button caption. :param str class_: (default='button') The class attribute. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.submit(name, label, class_=class_, **attrs)
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[docs] @classmethod def submit_image(cls, name, label, src, class_=None): """Output an image submit button. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label for roll over and ``alt``. :param str src: Image path. :param str class_: The class attribute. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ label = label.replace('"', "'") return literal( u'<input type="image" name="{0}" src="{1}" title="{2}"' ' alt="{2}"{3}/>'.format( name, src, label or name, class_ and ' class="%s"' % class_ or ''))
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[docs] @classmethod def submit_cancel(cls, label): """Output a cancel submit button. :param str label: Label for roll over and ``alt``. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ label = label.replace('"', "'") return literal( u'<input type="image" name="ccl!" ' 'src="/Static/Images/action_cancel.png" title="{0}" ' 'alt="{0}"/>'.format(label))
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[docs] @classmethod def button(cls, url, label='', src=None, title=None, class_='button'): """Output a link on a label and an image with a button aspect. See :func:`button`. """ return button(url, label, src, title, class_)
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[docs] @classmethod def grid_item(cls, label, content, required=False, hint=None, error=None, class_=None, tag='div', clear=False): """Output an item with label, hint and error message. See :func:`grid_item`. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( None, label, content, required, hint, error, class_, tag, clear)
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[docs] def hidden(self, name, value=None, **attrs): """Output a hidden field. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (optional) Hidden value. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.hidden(name, self._value(name, value), **attrs)
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[docs] def text(self, name, value=None, **attrs): """Output a standard text field. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (optional) Default value. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.text(name, self._value(name, value), **attrs)
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[docs] def password(self, name, value=None, **attrs): """Output a password field. This method takes the same options as text(). """ return tags.password(name, self._value(name, value), **attrs)
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[docs] def checkbox(self, name, value=u'1', checked=False, **attrs): """Output a check box. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (default=u'1') The value to return to the application if the box is checked. :param bool checked: (default=False) ``True`` if the box should be initially checked. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.checkbox( name, value, checked or self._value(name), **attrs)
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[docs] def custom_checkbox( self, name, value=u'1', checked=False, class_=None, **attrs): """Output a check box followed by an empty label to customize the aspect of the box. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (default=u'1') The value to return to the application if the box is checked. :param bool checked: (default=False) ``True`` if the box should be initially checked. :param str class_: (default='wbCustomCheckbox') The class attribute. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ if class_ is None: class_ = 'wbCustomCheckbox' return literal('{0}{1}'.format( tags.checkbox( name, value, checked or self._value(name), class_=class_, **attrs), '<label for="{0}" class="{1}"> </label>'.format( self.make_safe_id(name), class_)))
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[docs] def radio(self, name, value, checked=False, **attrs): """Output a radio button. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (default='1') The value to return to the application if the radio is checked. :param bool checked: (default=False) ``True`` if the radio should be initially checked. :param str label: (optional) A text label to display to the right of the radio. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return name, value, checked or value == self._value(name), **attrs)
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[docs] def select(self, name, selected_values, options, autosubmit=False, **attrs): """Output a dropdown selection box. :param str name: Input ID. :type selected_value: :class:`str` or :class:`list` :param selected_value: A string or list of strings or integers giving the value(s) that should be preselected. :type options: (list of :class:`str`, :class:`int` or ``(value, label)`` pairs) :param options: The label will be shown on the form; the option will be returned to the application if that option is chosen. If you pass a ``string`` or ``int`` instead of a ``2-tuple``, it will be used for both the value and the label. :param bool autosubmit: (default=False) If ``True``, it adds ``onchange="submit()"`` attribute. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ if not options: return '' opts = [] translate = self._request.localizer.translate for opt in options: if isinstance(opt, tuple): opts.append( tags.Option(translate(opt[1]), u'{0}'.format(opt[0]))) else: opts.append(tags.Option(u'{0}'.format(opt))) return name, u'{0}'.format(self._value(name, selected_values)), tags.Options(opts), onchange='submit()' if autosubmit else None, **attrs)
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[docs] def upload(self, name, value=None, **attrs): """Output a file upload field. :param str name: Input ID. :param str value: (optional) Default value. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.file(name, self._value(name, value), **attrs)
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[docs] def textarea(self, name, content='', **attrs): """Output a text input area. :param str name: Input ID. :param str content: (optional) Default value. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: HTML tag. """ return tags.textarea(name, self._value(name, content), **attrs)
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[docs] def grid_text(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a standard text field in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.text(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_password(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a password field in a CSS grid layout. This method takes the same options as grid_text(). """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.password(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_checkbox(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a check box in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.checkbox(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, tag='span', clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_custom_checkbox(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, clear=False, class_='formItem', **attrs): """Output a custom check box in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="wbClear"/>`` at the end. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.custom_checkbox(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, tag='span', clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_select(self, name, label, options, autosubmit=False, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a dropdown selection box in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :type options: (list of :class:`str`, :class:`int` or ``(value, label)`` pairs) :param options: Values in the dropdown list. :param bool autosubmit: (default=False) If ``True``, it adds ``onchange="submit()"`` attribute. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label,, None, options, autosubmit, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_upload(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a file upload field in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.upload(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, clear=clear)
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[docs] def grid_textarea(self, name, label, required=False, hint=None, class_='', clear=False, **attrs): """Output a text input area in a CSS grid layout. :param str name: Input ID. :param str label: Label. :param bool required: (default=False) Indicate if this field is required. :param str hint: (optional) Help message. :param str class_: (optional) The class attribute. :param bool clear: (default=False) If ``True``, add a ``<div class="clear"/>`` at the end. :param dict attrs: Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :rtype: str :return: Output a grid layout. """ # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments return grid_item( name, label, self.textarea(name, **attrs), required, hint, self.error(name), class_, clear=clear)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _value(self, name, default=None): """Return the best value for the field ``name``. :param str name: Input ID. :param str default: (optional) Default value. :rtype: str """ if name not in self._special[0] and \ (not self._special[1] or not name.startswith(self._special[1])) and\ name in self._request.POST: return self._request.POST[name] elif name in self.values: return self.values[name] return default