"""This module makes Publiset XML file from a pack structure."""
import fnmatch
import re
from os import makedirs, walk, listdir, remove, rmdir
from os.path import join, exists, dirname, isdir, relpath, samefile, basename
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from shutil import rmtree
from lxml import etree
from ...i18n import _
from ...config import config_get, config_get_list
from ...utils import normalize_spaces, make_id, camel_case
from ...xml import PUBLIFORGE_RNG_VERSION, load_xml
from .. import load_relaxngs
from ..leprisme.transform import Transform
from ..leprisme.publiset import Publiset
# =============================================================================
[docs]class Processor(object):
"""Main class for Publiseter processor."""
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, build):
"""Constructor method.
:param build: (:class:`~.lib.build.agent.AgentBuild`)
Main Build object.
# Attributes
self.percents = [1, 90]
self.build = build
self.output = join(self.build.path, 'Output')
# Configuration
name = join(build.path, 'Processor', 'publiseter.ini')
if not exists(name):
build.stopped(_('File "publiseter.ini" is missing.'))
self._config = ConfigParser({'here': dirname(name), 'fid': '{fid}'})
# Relax NG
self.relaxngs = load_relaxngs(self.build, self._config)
# Transformation
self._transform = Transform(self, [''])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def start(self):
"""Start the processor."""
if self.build.stopped():
# Publiset ID
fid = make_id(
self.build.processing['variables'].get('id'), 'token')
if not fid:
fid = make_id(self.build.pack['label'], 'token')
# Update output
subdir = self.build.processing['variables'].get('subdir')
if subdir:
self.output = join(
self.build.path, 'Output',
subdir.replace('%(fid)s', camel_case(fid)))
self.output = join(self.build.path, 'Output')
# Create directories
for name in config_get_list(
self._config, 'Initialization', 'directories'):
if not exists(join(self.output, name)):
makedirs(join(self.output, name))
# Transform pack into Publiset
self._transform.start('%s.xml' % fid, fid, self._create_pack())
# Transform Publiset
if self.build.processing['variables'].get('assembly'):
# Clean up
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def config(self, section, option, default=None):
"""Retrieve a value from a configuration object.
:param section: (string)
Section name.
:param option: (string)
Option name.
:param default: (string, optional)
Default value
:return: (string)
Read value or default value.
return config_get(self._config, section, option, default)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def config_list(self, section, option, default=None):
"""Retrieve a list of values from a configuration object.
:param section: (string)
Section name.
:param option: (string)
Option name.
:param default: (list, optional)
Default values.
:return: (list)
return config_get_list(self._config, section, option, default)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def finalize(self, force=False):
if not force or self.build.processing['variables'].get('keeptmp'):
regex = self.config(
'Finalization', 'remove_regex', r'(~|\.tmp)(\.\w{1,4})?$')
for path, dirs, files \
in walk(join(self.build.path, 'Output'), topdown=False):
for name in dirs:
if (regex and re.search(regex, name)) \
or not listdir(join(path, name)):
rmtree(join(path, name))
for name in files:
if regex and re.search(regex, name):
remove(join(path, name))
if exists(self.output) \
and not samefile(self.output, join(self.build.path, 'Output'))\
and not listdir(self.output):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _create_pack(self):
"""Create the XML pack.
:return: (:class:`lxml.etree.Element` instance)
root = etree.Element('publiforge', version=PUBLIFORGE_RNG_VERSION)
pack_elt = etree.SubElement(root, 'pack')
etree.SubElement(pack_elt, 'label').text = \
files_elt = etree.SubElement(pack_elt, 'files')
prefix = None
if not self.build.processing['variables'].get('assembly'):
prefix = '%s-' % camel_case(self.build.context['front_id'])
excluded = self.build.processing['variables'].get('file_exclude')
excluded = re.compile(excluded) if excluded else None
included = self.build.processing['variables'].get('file_include')
included = re.compile(included) if included else None
for filename in self.build.pack['files']:
fullname = join(self.build.data_path, filename)
if isdir(fullname) and self.build.pack['recursive']:
for path, ignored_, files in walk(fullname):
for name in sorted(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.xml')):
if not self._keep_it(excluded, included, name):
name = relpath(join(path, name), self.build.data_path)
name = name.partition(prefix)[2] if prefix else name
name = name if isinstance(name, unicode) \
else name.decode('utf8')
etree.SubElement(files_elt, 'file').text = name
elif isdir(fullname):
for name in sorted(fnmatch.filter(listdir(fullname), '*.xml')):
if not self._keep_it(excluded, included, name):
name = relpath(join(fullname, name), self.build.data_path)
name = name.partition(prefix)[2] if prefix else name
name = name if isinstance(name, unicode) \
else name.decode('utf8')
etree.SubElement(files_elt, 'file').text = \
elif self._keep_it(excluded, included, basename(filename)):
etree.SubElement(files_elt, 'file').text = \
filename.partition(prefix)[2] if prefix else filename
return root
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _assembly(self, fid):
"""Realize the assembly.
:param fid: (string)
Publiset file ID.
# Load the Publiset
# pylint: disable = E1103
root = load_xml(join(
self.output, self.config('Output', 'format', '').format(fid=fid)))
if isinstance(root, basestring):
# Process
data_path = join(
self.build.data_path, self.build.processing['variables']
.get('div1_path', '').replace('..', '-'))
publiset = Publiset(self, data_path)
set_root = root.find('composition')
if set_root is None:
self.build.stopped(_('Empty composition!'))
self.build.log(_('${f}: document composition', {'f': fid}))
'%s.xml' % fid, fid, publiset.compose('%s.xml' % fid, set_root))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _keep_it(cls, excluded, included, filename):
"""Check if the file ``filename`` is kept according to ``excluded`` and
:param excluded: (:class:`re` object)
Regular expression to define file to exclude.
:param included: (:class:`re` object)
Regular expression to define file to include.
:param filename: (string)
Name of file to check.
:return: (boolean)
if excluded and excluded.search(filename):
return False
if included and not included.search(filename):
return False
return True