Source code for publiforge.lib.viewutils

"""Some various utilities for views."""

from os import walk
from os.path import exists, join, isfile, relpath, basename, normpath, dirname
import zipfile
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime, date

from sqlalchemy import select, desc, or_, and_
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from colander import SchemaNode, Mapping, String, Integer, Boolean
from colander import All, Length, Regex, OneOf
from webhelpers2.html import literal
from lxml import etree

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.response import FileResponse

from .i18n import _
from .utils import EXCLUDED_FILES, encrypt, decrypt, get_mime_type
from .utils import has_permission, hash_sha, camel_case, normalize_name
from .utils import normalize_spaces
from .xml import local_text
from .form import grid_item
from .paging import Paging
from ..models import NULL, ID_LEN, VALUE_LEN, DBSession
from ..models.users import User
from ..models.groups import GROUP_USER, Group
from ..models.storages import VCS_ENGINES, Storage, StorageUser, StorageGroup
from ..models.projects import Project, ProjectUser, ProjectGroup
from ..models.roles import Role, RoleUser
from ..models.processings import Processing, ProcessingFile
from ..models.tasks import Task
from ..models.packs import PackFile, PackOutput

    'string': _('String'), 'text': _('Text'), 'boolean': _('Boolean'),
    'integer': _('Integer'), 'regex': _('Regular expression'),
    'select': _('Closed list')}

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[docs]def connect_user(request, code, password=None): """If the user with ``code`` and ``password`` is authorized, it updates ``last_login`` field in database and returns an ``User`` object. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param code: (string) Login of the user to connect. :param password: (string, optional) Clear password. :return: (:class:`~.models.user.User` instance or integer) The connected user or an error code. If ``password`` is ``None``, password checking is not performed. Values of the error code are: * 1: incorrect user code or password * 2: inactive account * 3: expired account * 4: forbidden IP """ # Check user code = normalize_name(code)[0:ID_LEN] user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(login=code).first() if user is None: return 1 if password is not None: key = request.registry.settings.get('encryption', '-') if hash_sha(password.strip(), key) != user.password: return 2 if user.password is None else 1 if user.status != 'active': return 2 if user.status == 'inactive' else 1 if user.expiration and user.expiration < return 3 if user.restrict_ip and request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] \ not in [str(k.ip) for k in user.ips]: return 4 # Update last login date in database user.last_login = DBSession.commit() return user
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[docs]def get_action(request): """Return a tuple such as ``(action, items)`` where ``action`` is a string such as ``<act><?|!><item_id>`` and ``items`` is a list of selected items in a list form. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(action, items)``. Each submit button returns a string such as ``<act><?|!><item_id>.x`` where ``<item_id>`` is the item identifier or ``#`` for all selected items, ``<?|!>`` means respectively *confirm* or *proceed* and ``<act>`` is one of the following action: * ``act``: activate * ``agp``: add groups * ``aur``: add users * ``bld``: build * ``ccl``: cancel * ``cls``: close * ``del``: delete * ``drl``: delete role * ``dtk``: delete task * ``dvl``: delete value * ``des``: description * ``dif``: get diff * ``dir``: make directory * ``dnl``: download * ``dwn``: move down * ``dup``: duplicate * ``exp``: export * ``get``: get from selection * ``imp``: import * ``not``: modify a note * ``npk``: create a new pack with selection * ``ipk``: import pack with configuration and content * ``mup``: move up * ``new``: create a new object * ``nxt``: transition to next task * ``ovw``: toggle overview * ``ren``: rename * ``rgp``: remove groups * ``rur``: remove users * ``rmv``: remove * ``sch``: search * ``shw``: show * ``sel``: put in selection * ``stp``: stop * ``syn``: synchronize * ``tak``: take * ``upl``: upload Checkbox inputs return string such as ``#<item_id>``. For instance, ``del!#`` and ``['#user1', '#user2']`` means "delete ``user1`` and ``user2``". ``syn!DataHg`` means "synchronize ``DataHg`` and only this one". """ action = '' items = [] for param in request.params: if not isinstance(param, unicode): param = param.decode('utf8') if param[0] == '#': items.append(param[1:]) elif param[-2:] == '.x': if param[-3:-2] == '#': action = param[0:-2] else: return param[0:-2], (param[4:-2],) if '#' in action and not items: request.session.flash(_('Select items!'), 'alert') action = '' return action, items
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[docs]def get_selection(request): """Return selected files in the current selection. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :return: (tuple) """ items = [] for param in request.params: if param[0] == '~': items.append( isinstance(param, unicode) and param[1:] or param[1:].decode('utf8')) if not items: request.session.flash(_('Choose files in your selection!'), 'alert') return items
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[docs]def paging_users(request, only_active=True): """Return a :class:`~.widget.Paging` object filled with users. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param only_active: (boolean, default=True) if ``True``, only active users are included. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(paging, filters)`` where ``paging`` is a :class:`~.widget.Paging` object and ``filters`` a dictionary of filters. """ # Parameters paging_id = 'users' if only_active else 'users!' params = Paging.params(request, paging_id, '+name') if only_active or (not request.POST and 'f_status' not in params): params['f_status'] = 'active' # Query query = DBSession.query(User.user_id, User.login,, User.status) if 'f_login' in params: query = query.filter('%%%s%%' % params['f_login'].lower())) if 'f_name' in params: query = query.filter('%%%s%%' % params['f_name'])) if 'f_status' in params and params['f_status'] != '*': query = query.filter(User.status == params['f_status']) if 'f_group' in params: query = query.join(GROUP_USER).filter( GROUP_USER.c.group_id == params['f_group']) # Order by oby = getattr(User, params['sort'][1:]) query = query.order_by(desc(oby) if params['sort'][0] == '-' else oby) return Paging(request, paging_id, query), params
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[docs]def paging_groups(request, paging_id='groups'): """Return a :class:`~.widget.Paging` object filled with groups. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param paging_id: (string, default='groups') Paging ID: ``'groups'`` for adding purpose and ``groups!`` for administration purpose. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(paging, filters)`` where ``paging`` is a :class:`~.widget.Paging` object and ``filters`` a dictionary of filters. """ # Parameters params = Paging.params(request, paging_id, '+label') # Query query = DBSession.query(Group) if 'f_label' in params: query = query.filter(Group.label.ilike('%%%s%%' % params['f_label'])) # Order by oby = getattr(Group, params['sort'][1:]) query = query.order_by(desc(oby) if params['sort'][0] == '-' else oby) return Paging(request, paging_id, query), params
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[docs]def current_storage(request, storage_id=None, only_dict=True): """Initialize, if necessary, ``request.session['storage']`` and return it as current storage dictionary. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param storage_id: (integer, optional) ID of storage to get context. :param only_dict: (boolean, default=True) If ``False``, it returns the entire :class:`~.models.storages.Storage` object. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(storage_dictionary, handler)`` or ``(storage_object, handler)`` or a :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.`HTTPNotFound` exception. ``storage_dictionary`` has the following keys: ``storage_id``, ``label``, ``description``, ``perm``, ``vcs_engine``, ``vcs_url``, ``public_url``, ``indexed``. """ # Already in session storage_id = storage_id or request.matchdict.get('storage_id') if storage_id is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('You must specify a storage ID!')) if only_dict and 'storage' in request.session and request\ .session['storage']['storage_id'] == storage_id: handler = request.registry['handler'].get_handler(storage_id) if handler is not None: return request.session['storage'], handler # Read in database storage = DBSession.query(Storage).filter_by( storage_id=storage_id).first() if storage is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('This storage does not exist!')) # Permission user_id = request.session['user_id'] perm = 'writer' \ if storage.access == 'open' or has_permission(request, 'stg_editor') \ else None if perm != 'writer': record = DBSession.query(StorageUser).filter_by( storage_id=storage_id, user_id=user_id).first() perm = (record and record.perm) or (record and 'reader') or None if perm != 'writer': groups = [k.group_id for k in DBSession.execute( select([GROUP_USER], GROUP_USER.c.user_id == user_id))] if groups: record = [ k[0] for k in DBSession.query(StorageGroup.perm) .filter(StorageGroup.storage_id == storage_id) .filter(StorageGroup.group_id.in_(groups))] perm = ('writer' in record and 'writer') or (record and record[0])\ or perm if perm is None: raise HTTPForbidden(comment=_( 'You do not have access to this storage!')) # Overview if 'overviews' not in request.session: request.session['overviews'] = {storage_id: False} if storage_id not in request.session['overviews']: request.session['overviews'][storage_id] = False # Openers openers = [ k.opener_id for k in sorted(storage.openers, key=lambda k: k.sort)] request.session['storage'] = { 'storage_id': storage_id, 'label': storage.label, 'description': storage.description, 'perm': perm, 'vcs_engine': VCS_ENGINES[storage.vcs_engine], 'vcs_url': storage.vcs_url, 'public_url': storage.public_url, 'indexed': bool(storage.indexed_files), 'openers': openers, 'seeds': tuple() if request.registry['opener'].has_seeds(openers) else None} handler = request.registry['handler'].get_handler(storage_id, storage) return (request.session['storage'], handler) \ if only_dict else (storage, handler)
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[docs]def dbquery_storages(dbquery, user_id, with_index=False): """Return the query to find storages of a user. :type dbquery: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` :param dbquery: Current SqlAlchemy query to update. :param int user_id: Current user_id :param bool with_index: (default=False) If ``True`` select only storages with indexed files. :rtype: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` """ groups = [k.group_id for k in DBSession.execute( select([GROUP_USER], GROUP_USER.c.user_id == user_id))] \ if DBSession.query(StorageGroup).first() else None if groups: dbquery = dbquery.filter(or_( Storage.access == 'open', and_(StorageUser.user_id == user_id, StorageUser.storage_id == Storage.storage_id), and_(StorageGroup.group_id.in_(groups), StorageGroup.storage_id == Storage.storage_id)))\ .distinct(Storage.storage_id, Storage.label) else: dbquery = dbquery.join(StorageUser).filter(or_( Storage.access == 'open', StorageUser.user_id == user_id))\ .distinct(Storage.storage_id, Storage.label) if with_index: dbquery = dbquery.filter(Storage.indexed_files != NULL) return dbquery
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[docs]def vcs_user(request, storage): """Return a VCS user tuple. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param storage: (dictionary) Storage dictionary. :return: (tuple) A VCS user tuple ``(user_id, password, name)``. """ user = DBSession.query(StorageUser).filter_by( storage_id=storage['storage_id'], user_id=request.session['user_id']).first() if user is None: return None, None, request.session['name'] password = decrypt( user.vcs_password, request.registry.settings.get('encryption', '-')) return user.vcs_user, password, request.session['name']
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[docs]def save_vcs_user(request, storage): """Save user name and password for VCS in database. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param storage: (dictionary) Storage dictionary. """ if not request.params.get('vcs_user'): return user = DBSession.query(StorageUser).filter_by( storage_id=storage['storage_id'], user_id=request.session['user_id']).first() if user is None: user = StorageUser( storage['storage_id'], user_id=request.session['user_id']) user.vcs_user = request.params['vcs_user'] user.vcs_password = encrypt( request.params.get('vcs_password'), request.registry.settings.get('encryption', '-')) DBSession.commit() request.session.flash(_('VCS user has been changed.'))
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[docs]def file_details(request, record, only_visible=True): """Return a dictionary of details on file contained in ``record``. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param record: (:class:`~.models.processings.Processing` or :class:`~.models.packs.Pack` instance). :param only_visible: (boolean, default=True) If ``True``, it returns a list of only visible files otherwise it returns a dictionary. :return: (dictionary) A dictionary with keys ``file``, ``resource`` and ``template``. Each value of this dictionary is a tuple of tuples such as ``(file_type, storage_id, path, target, visible)``. """ files = {'file': [], 'resource': [], 'template': []} if record is None: return files root_path = request.registry.settings['storage.root'] for item in sorted(record.files, key=lambda k: k.sort): if not only_visible or (hasattr(item, 'visible') and item.visible): files[item.file_type].append(( get_mime_type(join(root_path, item.path))[1], item.path.partition('/')[0], item.path.partition('/')[2],, hasattr(item, 'visible') and item.visible)) return files
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[docs]def file_download(request, path, filenames, download_name=None): # noqa """Prepare file for download and return a Pyramid response. :type request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` :param request: Current request. :param str path: Absolute path to files. :param list filenames: List of files to download. :param str download_name: (optional) Visible name during download. :rtype: :class:`pyramid.response.FileResponse` :return: Return a FileResponse or raise a :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound` exception. """ # Single file fullname = join(path, filenames[0]) if len(filenames) == 1 and isfile(fullname): download_name = download_name or basename(filenames[0]) response = FileResponse( fullname, request=request, content_type=get_mime_type(fullname)[0]) response.headerlist.append(( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % download_name.encode('utf8'))) return response # Several files tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=request.registry.settings['temporary_dir']) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(tmp, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for filename in filenames: fullname = normpath(join(path, filename)) if not fullname.startswith(path) or not exists(fullname): zip_file.close() raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('This file does not exist!')) if isfile(fullname): try: zip_file.write(fullname, filename) except zipfile.LargeZipFile: zip_file.close() raise HTTPForbidden(comment=_('This file is too big!')) continue for root, dirs, files in walk(fullname): for name in tuple(dirs): if name in EXCLUDED_FILES: dirs.remove(name) for name in files: if name not in EXCLUDED_FILES: name = join(root, name) try: zip_file.write(name, relpath(name, path)) except zipfile.LargeZipFile: zip_file.close() raise HTTPForbidden(comment=_('This file is too big!')) except IOError as error: zip_file.close() raise HTTPNotFound(comment=error) zip_file.close() download_name = download_name or '' % ( len(filenames) == 1 and basename(filenames[0]) or basename(path)) return file_download(request, '', (,), download_name)
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[docs]def file_upload(request, path, message): """Update a file in a storage. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param path: (string) Path of the file to update starting with storage ID. :param message: (string) Message for commit. :return: (boolean) ``True`` if operation still in progress. """ path = path.split('/') storage_id = path[0] path = path[1:] upload_file = request.params.get('upload_file') if upload_file is None or isinstance(upload_file, basestring) or not path: return False storage, handler = current_storage(request, storage_id) if storage['perm'] != 'writer': request.session.flash(_("You can't modify this storage!"), 'alert') return False if path[-1] != upload_file.filename: request.session.flash(_('File names are different.'), 'alert') return False working = handler.upload( vcs_user(request, storage), join('.', *path[0:-1]), [upload_file], path[-1], message or request.localizer.translate(_('Uploading from disk'))) if handler.progress()[0] == 'error': request.session.flash(handler.progress()[1], 'alert') else: request.session.flash(_('File has been updated.')) return working
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[docs]def selection2container( request, container_type, container, file_type, paths, processing=None): """Update the list of files of type ``file_type`` for the container ``container_type``. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param container_type: ('prc' or 'pck') ``'prc'`` for processing and ``'pck'`` for pack. :param container: (:class:`~.models.packs.Pack` or :class:`~.models.processings.Processing`) Current pack object or processing object according to ``container_type``. :param file_type: ('file', 'resource', 'template' or 'output') File type. :param paths: (list) List of files to add. :param processing: (:class:`~.models.processings.Processing` instance, optional) Reference processing object. """ if not paths: return # Output if file_type == 'output': if len(paths) > 1: request.session.flash(_('Select only one directory!'), 'alert') return name = join(request.registry.settings['storage.root'], paths[0]) name = dirname(paths[0]) if isfile(name) else paths[0] name = name.decode('utf8') if container_type == 'prc': container.output = name elif processing is not None: DBSession.query(PackOutput).filter_by( project_id=container.project_id, pack_id=container.pack_id, processing_id=processing.processing_id).delete() if processing.output != name: container.outputs.append(PackOutput( processing.processing_id, name)) DBSession.commit() return # Files container_class = ProcessingFile if container_type == 'prc' else PackFile old_paths = [k.path for k in container.files if k.file_type == file_type] for path in set(paths) - set(old_paths): container.files.append(container_class(file_type, path)) if container_type == 'pck': container.updated = container.update_sort() try: DBSession.commit() except IntegrityError: pass # Current task if container_type == 'pck' and 'task' in request.session \ and request.session['task']['pack_id'] == container.pack_id: request.session['task']['files'] = file_details(request, container)
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[docs]def current_project(request, project_id=None, only_dict=True): """Update ``request.session['project']`` and return it as current project dictionary or return a SqlAlchemy object. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param project_id: (integer, optional) ID of project to get context. :param only_dict: (boolean, default=True) If ``False``, it returns the entire :class:`~.models.projects.Project` object. :return: (dictionary, :class:`~.models.projects.Project` or ``None``) ``None`` if error. Dictionary has the following keys: ``project_id``, ``label``, ``description``, ``deadline``, ``entries``, ``perm``, ``role_labels``, ``my_roles``, ``processing_labels``, ``task_labels``, ``processing_id`` (default processing) and ``pack_id`` (current pack). """ # Already in session project_id = project_id or request.matchdict.get('project_id') \ or request.matchdict.get('build_id', '').partition('-')[0] \ or None if project_id is None or \ (isinstance(project_id, basestring) and not project_id.isdigit()): raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('You must specify a project ID!')) project_id = int(project_id) if 'project' in request.session \ and request.session['project']['project_id'] == project_id: if request.params.get('processing_id'): request.session['project']['processing_id'] = \ int(request.params['processing_id']) if only_dict: return request.session['project'] # Read in database project = DBSession.query(Project).filter_by(project_id=project_id).first() if project is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('This project does not exist!')) if 'project' in request.session \ and request.session['project']['project_id'] == project_id: return project # Cleanup if 'task' in request.session: del request.session['task'] # Project dictionary project_dict = { 'project_id': project_id, 'label': project.label, 'description': project.description, 'deadline': project.deadline, 'pack_id': None} # Permission user_id = request.session['user_id'] record = DBSession.query(ProjectUser).filter_by( project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id).first() project_dict['entries'] = record.entries if record else 'all' project_dict['perm'] = record.perm if record else None if project_dict['perm'] != 'leader': groups = [k.group_id for k in DBSession.execute( select([GROUP_USER], GROUP_USER.c.user_id == user_id))] if groups: levels = { 'member': 1, 'packeditor': 2, 'packmaker': 3, 'leader': 4} record = [ '%d%s' % (levels[k[0]], k[0]) for k in DBSession.query(ProjectGroup.perm) .filter(ProjectGroup.project_id == project_id) .filter(ProjectGroup.group_id.in_(groups))] project_dict['perm'] = max(record)[1:] \ if record else project_dict['perm'] if project_dict['perm'] != 'leader' \ and has_permission(request, 'prj_editor'): project_dict['perm'] = 'packmaker' if project_dict['perm'] is None: raise HTTPForbidden(comment=_('You do not work in this project!')) # Project dictionary (continuation) project_dict['role_labels'] = dict(DBSession.query( Role.role_id, Role.label).filter_by(project_id=project_id).all()) project_dict['my_roles'] = tuple([ k[0] for k in DBSession.query(RoleUser.role_id) .filter_by(project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id)]) project_dict['processing_labels'] = tuple( DBSession.query(Processing.processing_id, Processing.label) .filter_by(project_id=project_id, indirect=False) .order_by(Processing.label).all()) project_dict['task_labels'] = dict(DBSession.query( Task.task_id, Task.label).filter_by(project_id=project_id).all()) project_dict['processing_id'] = int(request.params.get('processing_id', 1)) request.session['project'] = project_dict return request.session['project'] if only_dict else project
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[docs]def current_processing( request, project_id=None, processing_id=None, pack=None): """Return the current processing object. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param project_id: (integer, optional) ID of project to retrieve processing. :param processing_id: (integer, optional) ID of processing to retrieve. :param pack: (:class:`~.models.packs.Pack` instance, optional) Current pack. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(processing, processor, output)``. ``processing`` is a :class:`~.models.processings.Processing` object. ``processor`` is a :class:`lxml.etree.ElementTree` object representing the used processor. ``output`` is a dictionary with keys ``storage_id``, ``storage_label`` and ``path``. If this function fails, it raises a :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.`HTTPNotFound` exception. """ # IDs project_id = project_id or request.matchdict.get('project_id') if project_id is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('You must specify a project ID!')) processing_id = processing_id or request.matchdict.get('processing_id') if processing_id is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('You must specify a processing ID!')) project_id = int(project_id) processing_id = int(processing_id) # Processing processing = DBSession.query(Processing).filter_by( project_id=project_id, processing_id=processing_id).first() if processing is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_('This processing does not exist!')) # Processor processor = request.registry['fbuild'].processor( request, processing.processor) if processor is None: raise HTTPNotFound(comment=_( 'Unknown processor "${p}"!', {'p': processing.processor})) processings = None for var in processor\ .findall('processor/variables/group/var[@type="processing"]'): if processings is None: processings = dict([ ('prc%d.%d' % (k.project_id, k.processing_id), k.label) for k in DBSession.query(Processing) .filter_by(project_id=project_id) if not k.processor.startswith('Parallel')]) var.set('type', 'select') for k in sorted(processings, reverse=True): elt = etree.Element('option', value=k) elt.text = processings[k] var.insert(0, elt) elt = etree.Element('option', value='-') elt.text = '' var.insert(0, elt) return processing, processor, \ current_processing_output(request, processing, pack)
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[docs]def current_processing_output(request, processing, pack=None): """Return the current processing object. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param processing: (:class:`~.models.processings.Processing` instance) Current processing. :param pack: (:class:`~.models.packs.Pack` instance, optional) Current pack. :return: (dictionary) A dictionary with following keys: ``storage_id`` , ``storage_label``', ``path``. """ if not processing.output: return None output = processing.output if pack is not None and pack.outputs: output = dict([(k.processing_id, k.path) for k in pack.outputs]).get( processing.processing_id, processing.output) storage_id = output.partition('/')[0] storage = DBSession.query(Storage).filter_by(storage_id=storage_id).first() output = { 'storage_id': storage_id, 'storage_label': storage and storage.label or storage_id, 'path': output.partition('/')[2]} if '%(user)s' in output['path']: login = DBSession.query(User.login).filter_by( user_id=request.session['user_id']).first()[0] output['path'] = output['path'].replace('%(user)s', camel_case(login)) return output
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[docs]def variable_schema(processor, values, with_visibility=True): """Return a schema to validate variable form. :param processor: (:class:`lxml.etree.ElementTree` instance) Processor of current processing. :param values: (dictionary) Values affected to variables. :param with_visibility: (boolean, default=True) If ``True``, create schema for visibility. :return: (tuple) A tuple such as ``(schema, defaults)`` where ``schema`` is a :class:`colander.SchemaNode` instance and ``defaults`` a dictionary. """ schema = SchemaNode(Mapping()) defaults = {} for var in processor.findall('processor/variables/group/var'): name = var.get('name') if name not in values: continue schema.add(variable_schema_node(name, var.get('type'), var)) defaults[name] = \ values[name][0] if values[name][0] is not None \ else var.findtext('default') is not None \ and var.findtext('default').strip() or '' if var.get('type') == 'boolean': defaults[name] = (defaults[name] == 'true') elif var.get('type') == 'string': defaults[name] = normalize_spaces(defaults[name]) if with_visibility: schema.add( SchemaNode(Boolean(), name='%s_see' % name, missing=False)) defaults['%s_see' % name] = values[name][1] return schema, defaults
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[docs]def variable_schema_node(name, var_type, var=None): """Return a SchemaNode according to ``var_type``. :param name: (string) Name of the variable. :param var_type: (string) Type of the variable. :param var: (:class:`lxml.etree.Element` instance, optional) Variable node. :return: (:class:`colander.SchemaNode` instance) """ if var_type == 'boolean': node = SchemaNode(Boolean(), name=name, missing=False) elif var_type == 'integer': node = SchemaNode(Integer(), name=name, missing=0) elif var_type == 'select' and var is not None: options = [k.get('value', k.text) for k in var.findall('option')] node = SchemaNode(String(), name=name, validator=OneOf(options)) elif var_type == 'regex' and var is not None: regex = '^%s$' % var.findtext('pattern').strip() node = regex[1] == '(' and regex[-3:] == ')?$' \ and SchemaNode(String(), name=name, validator=All( Regex(regex), Length(max=VALUE_LEN)), missing='') \ or SchemaNode(String(), name=name, validator=All( Regex(regex), Length(max=VALUE_LEN))) elif var_type == 'text': node = SchemaNode(String(), name=name, missing='') else: node = SchemaNode( String(), name=name, validator=Length(max=VALUE_LEN), missing='') return node
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[docs]def variable_input(form, name, var_type, var=None, **attrs): """Return an input tag for the variable ``name``. :param form: (:class:`~.form.Form` instance) Current form. :param name: (string) Name of the variable. :param var_type: (string) Type of the variable. :param var: (:class:`lxml.etree.Element` instance, optional) Variable node. :param attrs: (dictionary) Keyworded arguments for ``webhelpers2.html.tags`` object. :return: (one of :class:`~.form.Form` tag instance) """ cast = var.get('cast') if var is not None else None if cast: attrs['data-cast'] = cast class_ = var.get('class') if var is not None else None class_ = class_ and '%s%s' % (class_, cast and ' cast-%s' % cast or '') \ or cast and 'cast-%s' % cast or None if var_type == 'boolean': tag = form.checkbox(name, class_=class_, **attrs) elif var_type == 'text' and var is not None: tag = form.textarea( name, rows=min(int(var.get('rows', '6')), 45), cols=80, class_=class_, **attrs) elif var_type == 'text': tag = form.textarea(name, rows=6, cols=80, class_=class_, **attrs) elif var_type == 'select' and var is not None: tag = name, None, [(k.get('value', k.text), k.text) for k in var.findall('option')], class_=class_, **attrs) else: tag = form.text(name, class_=class_, **attrs) return tag
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[docs]def variable_description(request, variables, name, values=None, processor_default=False, default=False): """Return a description of variable ``name``. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param variables: (:class:`lxml.etree.Element` instance) <variables> DOM object. :param name: (string) Name of the variable. :param values: (dictionary, optional) Values affected to the variables. :param processor_default: (boolean, default=False) Show the processor default value if any. :param default: (boolean, default=False) Show the processing default value. :return: (string) """ if variables is None: return None var = variables.xpath('variables/group/var[@name="%s"]' % name) if not var: return None var = var[0] translate = request.localizer.translate # Label/name text = name if var.find('label') is not None: text = '%s (%s)' % (local_text(var, 'label', request), name) html = grid_item(None, translate(_('Name:')), text, class_='') # Type text = translate(VARIABLE_TYPES[var.get('type')]) if var.get('type') == 'regex': text += ' %s' % var.findtext('pattern') html += grid_item(None, translate(_('Type:')), text, class_='') # Value if values is not None and name in values: text = values[name][2] \ and values[name][2] != values[name][0] \ and '%s (%s)' % (values[name][2], values[name][0]) \ or values[name][0] html += grid_item(None, translate(_('Value:')), text, class_='') # Factory value if processor_default and var.findtext('default') is not None: html += grid_item( None, translate(_('Factory:')), var.findtext('default'), class_='') # Default value if default and values is not None: html += grid_item( None, translate(_('Default:')), values[name][1], class_='') # Description description = '' if var.find('description') is not None: description += local_text( var, 'description', request).replace(' --', '<br/>') if var.getparent().find('description') is not None: description += description and '<br/><br/>' or '' description += local_text( var.getparent(), 'description', request).replace(' --', '<br/>') if description: html += grid_item( None, translate(_('Description:')), literal(description), class_='') return html
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[docs]def task_auto_build(request, pack, task=None): """Launch build for a task of type `auto`. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param pack: (:class:`~.models.packs.Pack` instance) Current pack object. :param task: (:class:`~.models.tasks.Task` instance, optional) Current task for pack. :return: (boolean) ``True`` if build is successfully launched. """ # Task if task is None: task = DBSession.query(Task).filter_by( project_id=pack.project_id, task_id=pack.task_id).first() if task is None or not task.processings: return True # Back and next task_ko = [k for k in task.links if k.link_type == 'back'] task_ko = task_ko[0].target_id if task_ko else None task_ok = [k for k in task.links if k.link_type != 'back'] task_ok = '%d#%s' % ((task_ok[0].target_id, task_ok[0].link_type)) \ if task_ok else None # Launch build processing, processor = current_processing( request, project_id=task.project_id, processing_id=task.processings[0].processing_id)[0:2] front_build = request.registry['fbuild'].start_build( request, processing, processor, pack, (task_ko, task_ok)) return front_build is not None