Source code for publiforge.models.processors

"""SQLAlchemy-powered model definition for processors."""
# pylint: disable = super-on-old-class

from time import time
from os.path import join, dirname
from cStringIO import StringIO
from lxml import etree

from sqlalchemy import Column, types

from ..lib.xml import local_text, load_xml
from . import Base, DBSession, ID_LEN

# =============================================================================
[docs]class Processor(Base): """SQLAlchemy-powered processor model.""" __tablename__ = 'processor' __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'} processor_id = Column(types.String(ID_LEN), primary_key=True) xml = Column(types.Text()) updated = Column(types.Float()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, processor_id): """Constructor method.""" super(Processor, self).__init__() self.processor_id = processor_id.strip()[0:ID_LEN] self.updated = time() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, processor_id, xml): """Load a processor from a XML string. :param processor_id: (string) Processor ID. :param xml: (string) XML string. :return: (string, :class:`pyramid.i18n.TranslationString` or :class:`Processor`) Error message or processor object. """ if isinstance(xml, unicode): xml = xml.encode('utf8') tree = load_xml('%s processor.xml' % processor_id, { 'publiforge': join(dirname(__file__), '..', 'RelaxNG', 'publiforge.rng')}, xml) if isinstance(tree, basestring): return tree # Check if already exists processor = DBSession.query(cls).filter_by( processor_id=processor_id).first() if processor is None: processor = cls(processor_id) processor.xml = xml.decode('utf8') processor.updated = time() return processor
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def ids(cls, request): """ID of all processors. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :return: (list) """ request.registry['fbuild'].refresh_agent_list(request) return [k[0] for k in DBSession.query(cls.processor_id).all()]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def labels(cls, request): """Label of all processors in local language or default language. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :return: (dictionary) A dictionary such as ``{<processor_id>: <processor_label>,...}``. If some labels do not exist in the asked language, this method returns the label in default language or ``processor_id``. """ request.registry['fbuild'].refresh_agent_list(request) labels = {} for processor in DBSession.query(cls.processor_id, cls.xml): tree = etree.parse(StringIO(processor[1].encode('utf8'))) labels[processor[0]] = local_text( tree.find('processor'), 'label', request, default=processor[0]) return labels
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls, request, processor_id=None, xml=None): """Description of processor ``processor_id`` in local language or default language. :param request: (:class:`pyramid.request.Request` instance) Current request. :param processor_id: (string, optional) Processor ID. :param xml: (:class:`lxml.etree.ElementTree` instance, optional) Processor XML. :return: (string) Description. If some labels do not exist in the asked language, this method returns the label in default language or ``processor_id``. """ if processor_id is not None: request.registry['fbuild'].refresh_agent_list(request) xml = DBSession.query(cls.xml).filter_by( processor_id=processor_id).first() if xml is not None: xml = etree.parse(StringIO(xml[0].encode('utf8'))) if xml: return local_text(xml.find('processor'), 'description', request) return None