Source code for publiforge.scripts.pfbuild

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Console script to execute a processing."""

from logging import getLogger
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os.path import exists, join, abspath, dirname, expanduser, relpath, isdir
from locale import getdefaultlocale
from textwrap import fill
from getpass import getuser
import re
import mimetypes
from lxml import etree

from ..lib.i18n import _, localizer
from ..lib.utils import copy_content
from ..lib.log import setup_logging
from ..lib.xml import load_xml, local_text
from import AgentBuildManager

LOG = getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
[docs]def main(): """Main function.""" # Parse arguments parser = ArgumentParser(description='Execute a processing.') parser.add_argument('build_file', help='Build file') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='optional files to process') parser.add_argument( '--list-processors', dest='list_processors', help='list available processors', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--list-variables', dest='list_variables', help='list variable values', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--show-variables', dest='show_variables', help='show variable parameters and values', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--processor-root', dest='processor_root', help='processor path') parser.add_argument( '--storage-root', dest='storage_root', help='storage path') parser.add_argument('--build-root', dest='build_root', help='build path') parser.add_argument('--build-id', dest='build_id', help='build ID') parser.add_argument( '--recursive', dest='recursive', help='recursive parsing', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', help='output directory') parser.add_argument( '--log-level', dest='log_level', help='log level', default='INFO', choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')) parser.add_argument('--log-file', dest='log_file', help='log file') args = parser.parse_args() output = expanduser(args.output) if args.output else None if not exists(args.build_file) or (output and not isdir(output)): parser.print_usage() return setup_logging(args.log_level, args.log_file) # Build BuildLauncher(args, output).start(args.build_file, args.files)
# =============================================================================
[docs]class BuildLauncher(object): """Class to launch a build on command-line.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, args, output=None): """Constructor method.""" self._args = args self._output = output self._relaxngs = { 'publiforge': join(dirname(__file__), '..', 'RelaxNG', 'publiforge.rng')} self._processor = None mimetypes.init((join( dirname(__file__), '..', 'Static', 'Images', 'MimeTypes', 'mime.types'),)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def start(self, build_file, files): """Start build. :param build_file: (string) Path to build XML file. :param files: (list) List of files on command-line. :return: (:class:`` instance or ``None``) """ # Load build file build_tree = load_xml(build_file, self._relaxngs) if isinstance(build_tree, basestring): LOG.critical(self._translate(build_tree)) return None # Read settings settings = self._read_settings(build_file, build_tree) if settings is None: return None # Create agent build_manager = AgentBuildManager(settings) build_manager.processor_list() if self._args.processor_root: build_manager.add_processors(expanduser(self._args.processor_root)) # Read processing & pack processing_dict = self._read_processing( settings, build_manager, build_tree) pack_dict = self._read_pack(settings, build_tree, files) if processing_dict is None or pack_dict is None \ or self._list_processors(build_manager) \ or self._display_variables(processing_dict): return None # Create a build and start it # pylint: disable = no-member build_id = self._args.build_id \ or build_tree.find('build').get('id') context = { 'user_id': 0, 'login': getuser(), 'lang': getdefaultlocale()[0], 'name': getuser(), 'local': True} build = build_manager.start_build( build_id, context, processing_dict, pack_dict) # Check the result if build.result['status'] != 'a_end': return build if 'a_error' in [k[1] for k in build.result['log']]: LOG.critical(self._translate(_('error occurred'))) return build # Display values if 'values' in build.result: for value in build.result['values']:'Result = ${v}', {'v': value}))) # Copy and display files if 'files' in build.result: if self._output: copy_content(join(build.path, 'Output'), self._output) for name in build.result['files']: name = join(self._output, name) \ if self._output else join(build.path, 'Output', name)'File = ${n}', {'n': name}))) return build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _list_processors(self, build_manager): """List available processors. :param build_manager: (:class:`` instance) Current build_manager objet. :return: (boolean) ``True`` if processors have been listed. """ if not self._args.list_processors: return False print '=' * 80 print u'{0:^80}'.format(self._translate(_('Processor list'))) print '=' * 80 lang = getdefaultlocale()[0] for processor_id in build_manager.processor_list()[0]: tree = load_xml( join(build_manager.processor_path(processor_id), 'processor.xml'), self._relaxngs) if isinstance(tree, basestring): print u'[{0:<20}] !!! {1:}'.format( processor_id, self._translate(tree)) continue print u'[{0:<20}] {1:}'.format( processor_id, local_text(tree, 'processor/label', lang=lang)) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _display_variables(self, processing): """Display variable values and contraints. :param processing: (dictionary) Processing dictionary. :return: (boolean) ``True`` if variables have been displayed. """ if not self._args.list_variables and not self._args.show_variables: return False # pylint: disable = no-member fmt = u' | {0:<11} : {1:}' lang = getdefaultlocale()[0] variables = processing['variables'] for group in self._processor.find('processor/variables')\ .iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): print '=' * 80 print u'{0:^80}'.format(local_text(group, 'label', lang=lang)) print '=' * 80 if self._args.show_variables \ and group.find('description') is not None: print self._format_description(lang, group) print '-' * 80 for var in group.findall('var'): name = var.get('name') label = local_text(var, 'label', lang=lang, default=name) var_type = var.get('type') value = variables.get(name, '') print u'{0:} = {1:}'.format(label, value) if not self._args.show_variables: continue print ' v' if label != name: print fmt.format(self._translate(_('Name')), name) if var.findtext('default') is not None: print fmt.format( self._translate(_('Default')), var.findtext('default').strip()) print fmt.format(self._translate(_('Type')), var_type) if var_type == 'regex': print fmt.format( self._translate(_('Pattern')), var.findtext('pattern').strip()) elif var_type == 'select': print fmt.format( self._translate(_('Options')), ', '.join(['[%s] %s' % (k.get('value', k.text), k.text) for k in var.findall('option')])) if var.find('description') is not None: print fmt.format( self._translate(_('Description')), self._format_description(lang, var, 18)) print return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_settings(self, build_file, build_tree): """Read settings from ``build_tree``. :param build_file: (string) Path to build XML file. :param build_tree: (etree.ElementTree) XML build tree. :return: (dictionary) A settings dictionary. """ settings = {} element = build_tree.find('build/settings') for child in element.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): key = child.get('key') if '.root' in key: settings[key] = ' '.join([ abspath(join(dirname(build_file), k)) for k in child.text.split()]) else: settings[key] = child.text.strip() if self._args.storage_root: settings['storage.root'] = expanduser(self._args.storage_root) if self._args.build_root: settings['build.root'] = expanduser(self._args.build_root) if not settings['build.root']: LOG.critical( self._translate(_('Must have a directory for builds.'))) if 'processor.list' not in settings: settings['processor.list'] = '*' return settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_processing(self, settings, build_manager, build_tree): """Load processing structure from ``build_tree``. :param settings: (dictionary) Settings. :param build_manager: (:class:`` instance) Current build_manager objet. :param build_tree: (etree.ElementTree) XML build tree. :return: (dictionary) A processing structure or ``None`` if fails. """ # Main structure root_elt = build_tree.find('build/processing') processing = { 'processor_id': root_elt.findtext('processor').strip(), 'output': self._output} # Load processor self._processor = build_manager.processor_path( processing['processor_id']) if self._processor is None: LOG.critical(self._translate(_( 'Unknown processor ${p}.', {'p': processing['processor_id']}))) return None self._processor = load_xml( join(self._processor, 'processor.xml'), self._relaxngs, build_manager.processor_xml(processing['processor_id'])) if isinstance(self._processor, basestring): LOG.critical(self._translate(self._processor)) return None processing['label'] = local_text( self._processor, 'processor/label', lang=getdefaultlocale()[0]) # Variables processing['variables'] = self._read_variables(build_tree) if processing['variables'] is None: return None # Resource files path = settings['storage.root'] processing['resources'] = self._read_file_set( path, build_tree.find('build/processing/resources')) if processing['resources'] is None: return None # Template files processing['templates'] = self._read_file_set( path, build_tree.find('build/processing/templates')) if processing['templates'] is None: return None return processing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_pack(self, settings, build_tree, files): """Load pack structure from ``build_tree``. :param settings: (dictionary) Settings. :param build_tree: (etree.ElementTree) XML build tree. :param files: (list) List of files on command-line to process. :return: (dictionary) A pack structure or ``None`` if fails. """ # Main structure pack = {'recursive': '0'} element = build_tree.find('build/pack') if element is not None and element.get('recursive') == 'true'\ or self._args.recursive: pack['recursive'] = '1' # Files path = settings['storage.root'] pack['files'] = self._read_file_set( path, build_tree.find('build/pack/files')) if pack['files'] is None: return None # Files from command-line for name in files: name = expanduser(name) if not exists(name): LOG.critical(self._translate( _('Unknown file "${n}".', {'n': name}))) return None pack['files'].append(relpath(name, path).decode('utf8')) # Resource files pack['resources'] = self._read_file_set( path, build_tree.find('build/pack/resources')) if pack['resources'] is None: return None # Template files pack['templates'] = self._read_file_set( path, build_tree.find('build/pack/templates')) if pack['templates'] is None: return None return pack # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_variables(self, build_tree): """Read variable definitions in processor tree and fill ``variables`` dictionary. :param build_tree: (:class:`lxml.etree.ElementTree`) Build element tree. :return: (dictionary or `None`) Variable dictionary. """ # pylint: disable = E1103 var = build_tree.find('build/processing/variables') values = {} if var is None else dict([ (k.get('name'), k.text is not None and k.text.strip() or '') for k in var.findall('var')]) variables = {} for var in self._processor.findall('processor/variables/group/var'): name = var.get('name') error = self._translate(_('${v}: bad value.', {'v': name})) value = values[name] if name in values \ else var.findtext('default') is not None \ and var.findtext('default').strip() or '' if var.get('type') == 'boolean': if value not in ('true', 'false', '1', '0', ''): LOG.critical(error) return None value = bool(value == 'true') elif var.get('type') == 'integer': if not value.isdigit(): LOG.critical(error) return None value = int(value) elif var.get('type') == 'select': if value not in [k.get('value') or k.text for k in var.findall('option')]: LOG.critical(error) return None value = int(value) if value.isdigit() else value elif var.get('type') == 'regex': if not re.match('^%s$' % var.findtext('pattern').strip(), value): LOG.critical(error) return None variables[name] = value return variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_file_set(self, storage_root, element): """Read files from ``element``. :param storage_root: (string) Absolute root path to storages. :param element: (etree.Element object) ``templates`` XML element. :return: (list) A list of tuples such as ``(<input_file>, <output_path>)`` or ``None`` if fails. """ set_list = [] if element is None: return set_list for child in element.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): name = child.text.strip() if not exists(join(storage_root, name)): LOG.critical(self._translate( _('Unknown file "${n}".', {'n': name}))) return None if child.get('to'): set_list.append((name, child.get('to'))) else: set_list.append(name) return set_list # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _format_description(cls, lang, root_elt, indent=0, width=80): """Return formatted description text. :param lang: (string) Preferred language. :param root_elt: (:class:`lxml.etree.Element` instance) Description element parent. :param indent: (integer, default=0) Indent value. :param width: (integer, default=80) Text width. :return: string """ text = local_text(root_elt, 'description', lang=lang) if not indent and ' --' in text: return '\n'.join([fill(k.strip(), width, subsequent_indent=' ') for k in text.split(' --')]) subsequent_indent = ' |' + ' ' * (indent - 3) return fill(text, width, initial_indent=' ' * indent, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent).strip() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _translate(cls, text): """Return ``text`` translated. :param text: (string) Text to translate. """ return localizer(getdefaultlocale()[0]).translate(text)
# ============================================================================= if __name__ == '__main__': main()