.. _agentguide_modules: Module Guide ============ Validator --------- `Validator` validates XML files against a Relax NG. Configuration ````````````` To use `Validator` module, a processor has to provide a ``validator.ini`` configuration file. You have 2 groups of sections to write. Input Section Group ''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Input] file_regex = \.xml$ content_regex = :`` where ```` is a relative path to OPF file and ```` a XPATH expression to select manifest tag. * ``checker`` is optional and is the command line to validate archive content. Finalization Section Group '''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Finalization] remove_regex = (~|\.tmp)(\.\w{1,4})?$ script = .. ............................................................................ Publiseter ---------- `Publiseter` converts a pack into a Publiset XML file. Configuration ````````````` To use `Publiseter` module, a processor has to provide a ``publiseter.ini`` configuration file. You have up to 5 sections to write. Initialization Section Group '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Initialization] directories = Images, Audios, Videos RelaxNG Section Group ''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [RelaxNG] publiset = %(here)s/RelaxNG/publiset.rng publidoc = %(here)s/RelaxNG/publidoc.rng Transformation Section Group '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Transformation] xsl = %(here)s/Xsl/publiset4publidoc.xsl Output Section Group '''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Output] format = %(fid)s.xml validate = true Finalization Section Group '''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Finalization] remove_regex = (~|\.tmp)(\.\w{1,4})?$ .. ............................................................................ Generator ---------- `Generator` generate from scratch a content. It can be used to fill a pack or to process background jobs. Configuration ````````````` To use `Generator` module, a processor has to provide a ``generator.ini`` configuration file. You have one section to write. Generation Section Group '''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code-block:: ini [Generation] process = %(here)s/lib/packfilling.py You can add other sections for you own python file.